Friday, December 20, 2019

Meet Arubah Arruroe - the Emperor of Galaxy Pirates!

Do you want to meet the Galaxy Pirate Emperor, Young Captain Blood Diamond, Arubah Arruroe? :) Now you can do that!

Arubah Arruroe from "Galaxy Pirates" arrived on the Earth today, specifically to give an interview for The Protagonist Speaks blog! ;)

See the content on the link:

Saturday, December 14, 2019

"Earth-chan and Friends" 1-Year Anniversary: FREE during December 14-18!

Hello guys! Happy to inform you that one of my most popular books, "Earth-chan and Friends", has turned 1-year-old today! ^__^

Running a promotion: You can purchase the Kindle version for FREE during December 14-18! Go straight on the link: Earth-chan and Friends!

(The book is based on Earth-chan internet meme and is designed for children to become aware of the global warming problems and other environmental issues. See the synopsis below)

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Major Flaws of the Current Movies Targeted towards the Younger Audience

I noticed I have not published such articles for a long time. Furthermore, I've wanted to write about this topic since long, because it worries me a great deal.
So, let's discuss what the major flaws of modern movies are - the ones that target the younger audience. This falls in my professional field since I am mainly a children's writer and my screenplays and games too, are directed towards the younger audience.
People can argue endlessly about the quality of modern movies. That is not the issue I am going to talk about - people's tastes differ and so does their impression of the movies. What I am going to mention, entails most of the movies equally and has a direct impact on the younger generation's education, as well as the development of their subconscious.

Monday, December 2, 2019

December 3 and December 4, 2019 - Galaxy Pirates for FREE on!

Hey guys! :) I'm running an EXCLUSIVE DEAL for December 3-4:

My newest book, Galaxy Pirates, will be available for FREE on! Grab it as fast as you can! ;)