Thursday, September 17, 2020

Why Mulan (1998) is a Masterpiece, while Mulan (2020) is not (And the Importance of Mushu)

I have written a similar article before, about how modern movies for the younger audience do not stick to the initial mythological patterns they were based on and how it affects the overall production, why it is bad, and how it could've been better.

Now, I have a whole nother issue to discuss, just like all the other disappointed people who have watched Mulan (2020) and discussed it in their YouTube videos, like the absolutely admirable video essay of Accented Cinema

Monday, April 27, 2020

"Galaxy Pirates" featured in the Sci-Fi Blog "Warp Speed Odyssey"!

Hello, readers! ^^ My Science Fantasy book "Galaxy Pirates" has been featured in a cool Sci-Fi blog, "Warp Speed Odyssey"!
You may check it out on the link:
If you are a Sci-Fi fan, make sure to follow the blog and check out their news, they are amazing! ;) From space adventures and aliens to cyberpunk and time-travel, this blog has everything to take you to the infinite horizons and beyond! ;)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Celebrating 5-Year Anniversary of "The Herdsman of Wolves"!

Today, February 23rd 2020, my 2nd published book The Herdsman of Wolves became 5 years old! I've published it on the same date back in 2015. Since then, it has held great importance to me and has influenced my work a lot.

As a celebration, I've published its paperback version today on! You can now purchase the print version of the book on the link: The Herdsman of Wolves.

Have you ever wondered whether it was possible to tame wolves? To understand them? You can find the answer in this tale, now in both electronic and paperback forms!

Below is the description:

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Buy "Earth-chan and Friends" - Donate to Save the Wildlife from NSW Bushfires!

Hello, dear readers!

Due to the recent devastating bushfires in Australia, I have decided to raise a campaign to help the environment:

At each purchase of "Earth-chan and Friends" book (both kindle and paperback versions), 20% of the income will be donated to WIRES Wildlife Emergency Fund that helps rescue wildlife in NSW!