"Galaxy Pirates" featured in the Sci-Fi Blog "Warp Speed Odyssey"!
Hello, readers! ^^ My Science Fantasy book " Galaxy Pirates " has been featured in a cool Sci-Fi blog, " Warp Speed Odyssey "! You may check it out on the link: https://warpspeedodyssey.com/2020/04/27/galaxy-pirates-by-tamuna-tsertsvadze/?fbclid=IwAR1aC3F4lrIG2EmDzqAYZw8zb3shPq-XlFHr5rjYkw7mWetk8nJSdBZ86do If you are a Sci-Fi fan, make sure to follow the blog and check out their news, they are amazing! ;) From space adventures and aliens to cyberpunk and time-travel , this blog has everything to take you to the infinite horizons and beyond! ;)